



    • TEAM
    • 1 Project Manager
    • 1 UX Lead
    • 1 UI/UX Designer
    • Delivery
    • UX Strategy
    • UX Prototyping/interation
    • Large-scale UX testing
    • Design integration
    • Duration
    • 4 months
    • Services
    • User Experience
    • Background
    • Tonic3 worked with Intuit to perform a complete responsive site redesign and migration to a new Content Management System for their ProConnect Division. This required a completely new information architecture and navigation system, refreshed content strategy, and total visual design overhaul for over 150 pages — coded and launched in less than 8 months.
    • Opportunity
    • Working with Intuit stakeholders, we studied the Marketing Department’s newly proposed information architecture and quickly identified potential pain points. With days, we began creating prototypes of key pages and navigation systems. Within two weeks, remote user tests of critical content organization and functionality were underway.

    • Over the next four months, iterations and testing continued. During this phase worked closely alongside the development team to ensure the reuse of components, a critical step to ensure coding deadlines would be met.

    • As desktop views were finalized, the corresponding tablet and mobile views were created. Completed, fully-tested prototypes were then handed off to development for final coding in their CMS, Adobe Experience Manager.
    • Our Work
    • Intuit ProConnect went live on time and within budget. Intuit has since experienced significantly improved conversion rates for both free trials and product sign-ups.